You gotta question? I’ll answer it. But don’t be surprised when it’s not the same fluffy, politically correct baloney most of my media colleagues dish up.
Any time you need to know anything, feel free to shoot me a note. Email [email protected], write “Question for Norm” in the subject line, and hopefully Ottewill will forward it to me. Sometimes he’ll even put it in his magazine.
(Note that after 15 years, nobody here is entirely comfortable with me having a company email address.)
Here’s what you people asked me this time around…
Why wasn’t anyone listening to Brock on the sidelines?
He was quite literally talking over their heads.
Is there any conceivable way that Isaiah McKenzie “returns” in 2018 (see what I did there?)?
Only if John Elway “punts” on Vance Joseph, funny guy.
If Paxton Lynch wins and looks good doing it, will he be a Bronco next season?
Is he playing on PS4 or Xbox?
What’s gotten into the Nuggets lately?
The Broncos are done, the Rockies haven’t started, and the Avalanche are still in last place. Time to shine!
Who do you have going to the National Championship game in football?
Drake. The front-running rapper, not the law school in Iowa.
What was the best thing you got for Christmas?
A new drone to fly over the walls at Dove Valley so I can see how good these practices really are.
What’s your New Years resolution?
More fruitcake in my diet.