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DraftKings Sportsbook Promo: Sleigh the Spread With No-Brainer NBA Odds Boost

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DraftKings Sportsbook Colorado is in the giving mood with the start of the NBA season upon us. New and existing users have the chance to “Sleigh the Spread” on either NBA game on opening night with a ridiculous odds boost. Choose any of the four teams playing on Tuesday and boost the spread to +75.

This is a complete no-brainer bet from DraftKings Sportsbook Colorado and it’s an easy way to start off the NBA season with a guaranteed win. Simply put, NBA teams don’t win games by 76 points. In 2018, the Hornets beat the Grizzlies by 61 points and that was the largest margin of victory in an NBA game in 20 years.

Sign up with DraftKings Sportsbook Colorado right here and grab this no-brainer on NBA opening night.

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21+ and present in participating states. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.

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How To “Sleigh The Spread” With DraftKings Sportsbook

This is one of the easiest ways for Colorado sports bettors to win money. This offer is available for new and existing users, but before we get to the nitty-gritty details of the deal, let’s break down how new users can sign up with DraftKings Sportsbook Colorado:

Signing up takes minutes and once you have an account with funds, you are ready to start winning money. DraftKings Sportsbook Colorado is starting off NBA bettors with a lay-up. Let’s take a closer look at the terms and details of this “Sleigh the Spread” promo:

DraftKings Sportsbook Odds On NBA Opening Night

Here are the current odds on NBA opening night on DraftKings Sportsbook Colorado:

Golden State Warriors +6.5 (-110)
Brooklyn Nets -6.5 (-110)

Los Angeles Clippers +2.5 (-109)
Los Angeles Lakers -2.5 (-112)

It’s clear that oddsmakers expect these two games to be close. Kevin Durant is making his Nets debut against his old team. Both sides should be motivated to make a statement in Game 1 of the season.

And in the second game of the doubleheader, the Clippers are looking to start the year off on the right foot after their embarrassing playoff exit in the bubble. Unfortunately, they will have to face LeBron James and the defending champion Laker who might have gotten better in the offseason.

We don’t know exactly how these games will shake out, but we can guarantee that no team is going to win by 76 points.

Sign up with DraftKings Sportsbook Colorado right here and grab this no-brainer on NBA opening night.

DraftKings Promo

21+ and present in participating states. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.

GET $200

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