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DraftKings Sportsbook’s Sports Betting National Championship Is Here

draftkings sportsbook national championship

DraftKings Sportsbook is getting together to find the best sports bettor in the country. Their National Championship of Betting is sure to attract a ton of big-time bettors. Let’s take a look at the upcoming event in New Jersey.

The Sports Betting National Championship is slated to take place from November 5th to 7th. The entry is $10,000 with $5,000 going to the prize pool and $5,000 towards your bankroll.

Only NFL, NBA, and college football bets are accepted for this National Championship. There is $2 million guaranteed in prizes for the winners this weekend.

With the NFL, NBA, and college football in full swing, there are plenty of options for bettors in the DraftKings Sportsbook National Championship. Let’s do a deeper dive into this weekend’s action.

Click here to sign up and join the DraftKings Sportsbook National Championship.

DraftKings Sportsbook’s National Championship

The goal of this National Championship is simple: find the best sports bettor in the country. The best of the best will be competing on DraftKings Sportsbook, but anyone can join.

The entry is $10,000, so it’s not cheap to get in on the action. With that said, the prize pool is insane.

Players will pay $10,000 to get into the National Championship. Half of that money goes directly into the prize pool. The other half is yours to bet with. The player with the highest bankroll at the end of the weekend wins the $1 million prize.

Let’s take a look at the prizes for the winners on DraftKings Sportsbook:

1st Place: $1,000,000 + Tournament of Champions ticket
2nd Place: $250,000
3rd Place: $125,000
4th: $100,000
5th: $75,000
6th: $60,000
7th: $50,000
8th: $40,000
9th: $30,000
10th: $25,000
11th: $24,000
12th: $23,000
13th: $22,000
14th: $21,000
15th: $20,000
16th: $19,000
17th: $18,000
18th: $17,000
19th: $16,000
20th: $15,000
21st – 25th: $10,000

Even if you don’t end up in the prize pool, players will take home their bankroll at the end of the weekend. It’s not a bad deal for anyone who trusts themself against other bettors.

Terms & Details for DraftKings Sportsbook National Championship

Here is a closer look at the terms and details for this DraftKings Sportsbook National Championship of betting:

What to Bet on This Weekend

Well, the NFL is king when it comes to sports betting. Week 9 started on Thursday Night Football with the Colts beating the Jets, but the NFL kicks off again at 1 p.m. on Sunday.

In addition to the NFL, there is a full slate of college football on Saturday and NBA games will be going on all weekend.

Remember, the DraftKings Sportsbook National Championship only counts bets on the NFL, NBA, and college football.

Click here to sign up and join the DraftKings Sportsbook National Championship.

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