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DraftKings Super Bowl Promo: How to Claim Eagles-Chiefs Big Game Bonus

draftkings super bowl promo


The Super Bowl will truly be a game to look forward to with the latest registration promotion from DraftKings Sportsbook. This DraftKings Super Bowl promo promises all new users a stack of bonus bets just for creating an account today.

DraftKings Promo

21+ and present in participating states. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.

GET $150

The links on this page each help you create your first-time DraftKings Sportsbook account and automatically activate that bonus. Consequently, by locking in any $5+ first wager, our DraftKings Super Bowl promo immediately gives you $200 in bonus bets.

There are a couple ways to look at this promotion, but they all amount to a massive win for the registrant. Firstly, you could view this as a way to snag $200 in bonus bets to devote to the Super Bowl itself. Secondly, you may elect to use your bonus wagers on current sports action to build a Super Bowl bankroll. Lastly, you could invest some of the bets on other sports and use some on SBLVII. In other words, part of the beauty of the promotion is the freedom and control it provides you.

To activate a DraftKings Super Bowl promo that instantly grants sign-ups $200 in unrestricted bonus bets, click here.

Secure $200 Bonus with DraftKings Super Bowl Promo

Super Bowl 57 between the Eagles and Chiefs is still a week away. However, registrants at DraftKings Sportsbook can claim bonus bets now, ahead of the big game. A new DraftKings Super Bowl promo helps sign-ups secure $200 worth of bonus bets in just minutes, in fact. This page’s links all activate the promotion, leaving you to simply create an account and place a small qualifying wager. As soon as you lock in any $5+ first bet, DraftKings hands you the $200 of bonus bets.

In terms of the $200 bonus, it actually doesn’t even matter if your initial wager wins or loses. Although, if it does end up winning, you collect those profits on top of the $200 bonus. That $200 appears in your new account as eight $25 bonus bets. Those bonus wagers are subsequently eligible for use on any sports with any bet types. Therefore, you could make wagers in any upcoming action, including the Super Bowl itself. Additionally, you’ll have the leeway to make prop bets, create parlays, hammer moneylines, and more.

Step-by-Step Guide to Claiming DraftKings Super Bowl Promo

Securing this page’s promotion was made simple by DraftKings Sportsbook. As a matter of fact, the account creation and bonus acquisition processes will take just minutes using the following guide:

DraftKings states: WY, WV, VA, TN, PA, OH, NY, NJ, MI, MD, LA, KS, IN, IL, IA, CT, CO, AZ.

Game Parlays Add Betting Options for New Users

This page’s DraftKings Super Bowl promo is a no-brainer opportunity to claim important bonus bets ahead of SBLVII. Anyone electing to deploy some or all of their bonus wagers on the big game will have myriad options. After all, DraftKings has already posted an impressive array of touchdown scorers, game/player props, and over novelty wagering selections.

Some individuals may feel they have a beat on who will win the game and whether it will be low- or high-scoring. Those bettors may choose to explore the Game Parlays section of the Super Bowl market in the DraftKings Sportsbook app. These premade parlays combine a variety of spread/moneyline winners with over/under certain total points. For example, here are the four moneyline/total combinations available:

To activate a DraftKings Super Bowl promo that instantly grants sign-ups $200 in unrestricted bonus bets, click here.

21+ and present in participating states. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.

DraftKings Promo

21+ and present in participating states. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.

GET $150
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