Mile High Sports

Radio Waves: Mile High Sports on the move

Professional studio microphone, recording studio, equipment in the blurry background

A note from our President, Nate Lundy

“Got tired of packing and unpacking. Town to town, up and down the dial.”

Last week marked my 30th anniversary of working in radio. Those lyrics from the theme song to “WKRP in Cincinnati” have certainly been a part of my life for a long time. I’ve programmed and hosted radio, literally, coast to coast. Moving trucks were a way of life for a long time.

I got lucky at an early age and knew exactly what I wanted to do for a career. I still think the teenage version of me was insane, but anyone who knows me would say that’s an accurate statement about me even three decades later.

Across those years I have learned that just like the weather in Colorado, the only thing constant in radio is change. As some may remember, Mile High Sports Radio has operated on a few different frequencies over the years. Business, economics and just life in general has demanded that the station migrate to different a different frequency from time to time.

We’re a small, independent company and don’t have the power that some of the other “big dogs” have in the business. Despite that, we’ve continued to adapt and grow over the last 18 years. Now is the time for us to do that again.

For the last several years, Mile High Sports Radio has been on AM 1340 and FM 104.7. Those two signals were sold by their owner last week. This once again puts us on the hunt for a new over-the-air signal to broadcast from.

We have been working on several options for the station going forward. However, for the moment, you can tune in anytime with our online stream. You can find it on the website or through our app. In both places, you can also watch us live in studio. (Insert “face for radio joke” here)

Change is never easy, even when you know it is coming. I want to thank our team of producers and hosts for continuing to provide outstanding programming through our online channels. I look forward to sharing another post with you soon announcing our new over-the-air home.

Onward and upward,


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