Mile High Sports

Butterfinger is willing to cover any fine Von Miller gets for excessive celebration

fine Von Miller

Von Miller, it’s time to dance you’re heart out and pelvic thrust towards happiness, because Butterfinger has your back!

The NFL — excuse me, the No Fun League — has made it very difficult to celebrate in today’s day and age. Score a touchdown? Better not make eye contact with any of your teammates, because that’s supposed to be a personal moment. Grab a sack? Makes sure you don’t leave that knee on the ground, because, for some reason, celebrating on one knee is just too much for the folks watching back home to take in.

It’s a shame, really. But for the Von Miller, all the rules and regulations haven’t squashed his desire to drop some nasty moves on the dance field. In fact, it’s forced him to get more creative, which is a true victory for Broncos fans.

With a new dance after each sack, you’d imagine it’d be difficult for Miller to come up with new material, but he just keeps on chugging!

You’ve got The Robot (I think)!

This classic against the Falcons!

The Elvis!

The Superman!

And that’s just the start. Miller has 60 sacks on his career, which means he’s brought us upwards of 60 glorious sack dances, and through all of them, the NFL has let Von be Von. Until this …

And the sequel, versus the Lions a week later …

But if Butterfinger is really wiling to cover up to $50 thousand in excessive celebration fines, Von Miller should be in the clear! In fact, he could get fined four more times and still come out on top!

I say, if Miller gets the opportunity to take down Tom Brady in a big moment, he should throw out everything he’s got. If there was ever a moment to excessively celebrate, that’s it.

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