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DraftKings Sportsbook Colorado Unveils Biggest NBA Promo To Date

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DraftKings Sportsbook Colorado is bringing it ahead of Monday night’s NBA action with their biggest and best promo to date. And this one just happens to have some local flavor for the Colorado online sports betting market.

DraftKings Sportsbook has a can’t-miss offer for when the Lakers and Nuggets tip off on Monday night. Those who bet at least $1 on Nuggets-Lakers qualify to receive a free bet that increases for every 1,000 bettors who wager on the game. That free bet could easily end up worth more than $100.

We’ll further explain why this is such a good deal in just a moment.

Click here to get DraftKings Sportsbook Colorado, $1,000 in free bets, and the “Bump the Bet” promo. 

DraftKings Promo

21+ and present in participating states. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.

GET $200


Bump The Bet at DraftKings Sportsbook Colorado

The dream scenario for any sports bettor is to risk a little and win a lot. DraftKings Sportsbook Colorado is making that dream scenario a reality this weekend ahead of the Monday primetime showdown between the Lakers and Nuggets.

DraftKings Sportsbook players in states such as Colorado, Indiana, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania will be coming together to create potentially one of the most lucrative betting bonuses we’ve seen, and best of all, it requires almost zero risk.

Here’s how the promo works:


Why This DraftKings Sportsbook Colorado Promo Is So Good

So, what exactly are we talking about in terms of free bet value? Well, DraftKings Sportsbook users will decide that, but community-based promos have been extraordinarily successful at other shops such as FanDuel.

Last week, FanDuel ran a campaign that saw users rally together to push the Lakers from a four-point favorite over the Clippers all the way up to an underdog somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 points. It required 2,500 users to move the spread one point, so that means with movement of over 50 points, over 125,000 bettors wagered on the game.

If this promo draws the same activity at DraftKings Sportsbook Colorado (and other states where DraftKings is legal), bettors would stand to cash in on a free bet of well over $100. Of course, that will be up to DraftKings Sportsbook users.

Notably, this Bump the Bet promo is offered in addition to DraftKings Sportsbook’s normal $1,000 in free bets new user promo.


How To Get Started And Get These Promos

Getting started with DraftKings Sportsbook Colorado is a simple process that only takes a moment. Here’s how to get started, get $1,000 in free bets, and get in on this Lakers-Nuggets “Bump the Bet” promo.

Click here to get DraftKings Sportsbook Colorado, $1,000 in free bets, and the “Bump the Bet” promo. 

DraftKings Promo

21+ and present in participating states. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.

GET $200
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