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DraftKings Sportsbook Is Offering Incredible 150-1 Odds for NBA Finals

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Here comes the NBA Finals and DraftKings Sportsbook has the best odds available for Game 2 as the Phoenix Suns and Milwaukee Bucks continue their pursuit of an NBA Championship.

New players on DraftKings Sportsbook can grab 150-1 odds on the Suns or Bucks in Game 2. All it takes is a sign-up and an initial deposit of at least $5 to qualify for this insane odds boost.

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States: NY, AZ, CO, PA, NJ, IN, IL, IA, MI, MI, VA, TN, and WV

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The Bucks and Suns have knocked out all challengers up to this point, but something has to give. The Suns rushed out to a 1-0 series lead behind Chris Paul in his first NBA Finals appearance. That said, Giannis Antetokounmpo’s knee is healthy enough for the star to play, providing the Bucks with plenty of reason to believe they can even up, and eventually win, the series.

No matter which side you are on, DraftKings Sportsbook has the best NBA Finals odds around.

Get 150-1 odds on the Suns or Bucks by signing up with DraftKings Sportsbook right here.

DraftKings Sportsbook’s 150-1 NBA Finals Promo

It’s tough to wrap your brain around how much value there is on this odds boost. A $1 wager on either team would garner a payout of $150. It’s almost impossible to get that kind of value when it comes to sports betting.

Ahead of Game 2, Phoenix is currently -225 on the moneyline on DraftKings Sportsbook. That means existing users need to wager nearly $350 on the Suns to win $150. When we break it down like that, the value is astonishing.

Of course, the Bucks will not make things easy on Phoenix this time around. Antetokounmpo and the Bucks fell behind early before making things interesting in the fourth quarter. With the Bucks star shaking off the rust, Milwaukee looks to now even the series.

This offer is only available to new users in Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Getting Started With DraftKings Sportsbook

Getting started with DraftKings Sportsbook is a quick and painless process that can be completed in a matter of minutes.

NBA Finals Game 1 Odds

The Suns and Bucks are on a collision course for Game 2. Here are the current odds on DraftKings Sportsbook:

Milwaukee Bucks: +5.5 (-110) // O 220.5 (-109) // +185
Phoenix Suns: -5.5 (-110) // U 220.5 (-112) // -225

Get 150-1 odds on the Suns or Bucks by signing up with DraftKings Sportsbook right here.

DraftKings Sportsbook

States: NY, AZ, CO, PA, NJ, IN, IL, IA, MI, MI, VA, TN, and WV

BET $5, GET $100
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