Mile High Sports

Former Broncos feeling less pain thanks to stem cell therapy

This story originally appeared in Mile High Sports MagazineClick here to read the full digital issue.

Seeing former Denver Broncos player Ron Egloff on a golf course this summer won’t be unusual.

Seeing him in the gym, or on a bike, or a hike or simply strolling around will be commonplace, too. But such sightings weren’t always so normal.

“I got to the point where I couldn’t swing a golf club,” he says. “It just hurt to play golf.”

Golf isn’t a contact sport, but years of playing tight end for the Broncos took its toll on Egloff. His hips hurt, his back ached, his knees creaked and groaned with every step.

But not anymore.

“I have no pain,” he says. “I work out pain free every morning. I’ve played more golf this summer than I have in years.”

Egloff – and plenty of former Broncos and other ex-NFL players around the country – have turned to a new and innovative procedure, stem cell therapy. Specifically, these gridiron greats have teamed up with Premier Stem Cell Therapy, which now has clinics in Johnstown and Denver. If the name sounds familiar, it should, as Mile High Sports Radio host Gil Whiteley, shares a very similar story with Egloff. Also an avid but aging golfer, Whiteley too swings pain free this summer, all because of Premier Stem Cell Institute.

The treatment, which follows a quick (and free) consultation, is simple and painless.

“Takes about an hour,” says Egloff.

While the science behind stem cell therapy is complex, the layman’s explanation of how and why it works makes perfect sense. Essentially, stem cells, which are responsible for repairing and rejuvenating tissues within the body, are removed from one’s own bone marrow and then injected in and around old injuries, usually joints. From there, the body does what it does best – it repairs itself. Ligaments or bones that weren’t working correctly suddenly do – all without the pain that comes along with injuries from yesteryear.

Perhaps Egloff’s explanation makes even more sense.

“It’s amazing.”

Photo Courtesy of Premier Stem Cell Institute

Top (L-R): Mike Golic, Billy Van Husen, Ken Lanier, Billy Thompson, Larry Evans, Wade Manning, James Kelly

Bottom (L-R): Ron Egloff, Le-Lo Lang, Dave Studdard, Don Horn

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