Anyone that is interested in a guaranteed Super Bowl winner should take a look at the DraftKings Kansas promo offer that provides a $200 payout in bonus bets no matter what.

This DraftKings Kansas promo offer is the definition of a no-brainer in a sports betting context. All you have to do is put down a $5 bill on the big game, and you get the bonus bets. To be clear, the outcome of the wager does not impact the distribution of the payout.

DraftKings Promo

21+ and present in participating states. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.

GET $200

The Chiefs have developed a culture of excellence under Andy Reid for an extended period of time. They are returning to the Super Bowl for the third time in four years, so they are very familiar with the environment. Philadelphia won the game in 2018, but there are just a handful of holdovers from that team on the current roster. With this promotion, you can back your team secure in the knowledge that you will get a $200 bonus bet return on your investment.

Click here to take advantage of the DraftKings Kansas promo offer for Super Bowl LVII.

DraftKings Kansas Promo for Chiefs-Eagles Super Bowl

Most importantly, this is a simple, straightforward offer with completely transparent terms. First, it is reserved for new players only. Secondly, you have to bet at least $5 to comply with the terms, but larger bets are included. Thirdly, you are free to enter different betting markets, so there are many possibilities.

When you place your qualifying wager, you will become eligible for the reward. Plus, you don’t have to wait around for the bonus. Your bets will be conveyed into your account right after you place the wager. This means that you can make a bet right now, and you will get $200 in bonus bets that you can place on the Super Bowl or any other game.

This offer compares favorably with offerings from the likes of Caesars, FanDuel, BetMGM and others. These Super Bowl betting apps will offer thousands of dollars in betting value.

Grab This DraftKings Kansas Promo Offer

  • Most importantly, click this link to become eligible for the offer. Then, when you reach the landing page, provide your basic personal information to set up your account. When that has been accomplished, your location will be verified, and the account will be up and running.
  • Before you do anything else, if you don’t already have it, download the app. This will give you the ability to bet from anywhere in Kansas or any other state with legal sports gaming.
  • After that, it is time to make a deposit so you can place your wager. This is easy to do, because all of the typical methods are accepted. When the funds are there, bet $5 or more, and you will get $200 in bonus bets instantly.

Daily Free to Play Pools

When you become a registered user, you will receive a steady succession of special offers for established players. They come in different forms, and all of them give you some type of advantage.

In addition, you can participate in the daily free to play pools. You don’t have to reach into your own pocket to get involved, and you could come away with one of the cash prizes.

Click here to secure the DraftKings Kansas promo offer that will generate $200 in bonus bets guaranteed.

DraftKings Promo

21+ and present in participating states. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.

GET $200

21+ and present in a state with legal sports gaming. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-Gambler.