On Having Peyton Manning As His Quarterback:

“All I could think about was Peyton Manning. That’s all I could think about. My dream — not knocking any of the quarterbacks I’ve had in the previous years in Alex Smith, Colin Kapernick, those guys; those guys were awesome — but it was just something about Peyton Manning. I’ve always been a fan of his, and I love the way he plays the game — his attitude, his approach. It’s rare to find a talent like him. It’s just a beautiful opportunity to be a part of this with him.”

Well, from what we’ve been hearing over the last few weeks, calling out Colin Kaepernick is exactly what Vernon Davis has been doing.

Davis may be trying to take the high road — and good for him — but him and Kaepernick clearly didn’t get a long. Davis’ numbers have plummeted over the last two seasons, and I’ve got a good feeling he blames that on the quarterback.

On Blending Into The Broncos’ Offense:

“I can blend in with anyone. I feel like whatever he [Manning] asks of me, I’ll do it. Whatever he needs, I’ll try my best to be there and help him with anything. Whatever he needs out of me, I’m willing to put it on the line.”

Vernon Davis needed the Denver Broncos just as much as they’ve needed him. His career in San Francisco ran its course a long time ago, and this is an opportunity for him to start anew; he’s not going to let it go to waste.

It’s easy to look at Davis’ performance over the last few years and say he’s washed up, but that’s not true. He’s still very much the athletic freak that made him great all those years. If both sides didn’t think they could make this work, he wouldn’t be here.